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What nutrients are contained in seafood

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  Seafood is rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, selenium, dietary fiber, etc., which can actively and effectively help eliminate heavy metal toxins in the body. We should match reasonable foods and choose low-temperature cooking methods to cook both nutritious and delicious Nutritional cuisine.

   Selenium is not common in food. In addition to some regions with high selenium, which have significant regional characteristics, there are also higher levels in seafood, various meats, and eggs. Very optimistic is that the cheap small seafood that we commonly see in the aquatic market is actually a more selenium-rich food. If the nutritious beef is used as a comparison, the selenium content per gram of beef thigh meat is 5.08 micrograms, equal weight of beef tendon meat is 2.58 micrograms, and the selenium content per hundred grams of oyster meat can reach 86.8 micrograms, equal weight The selenium content of the sea crab is 82.6 micrograms, the clam is 77.1 micrograms, the sea rainbow (mussel) 57.8 micrograms, the fresh shellfish 57.4 micrograms, the small yellow croaker 55.2 micrograms, the razor clam 55.1 micrograms, the lute shrimp 46.6 micrograms, the octopus 41.9 micrograms... .... The lobster is lower than the above-mentioned ordinary small seafood, with a selenium content of 39.3 micrograms per 100 grams.

   In addition, adequate intake of calcium and zinc from food is also an important measure to enhance immunity and resist tumors and cancer. What you may not expect is that small seafood such as oysters, clams and mussels are called "seabed milk". The calcium content is actually much higher than milk, and the zinc content is ten times higher than ordinary beef and mutton. Twenty times. What is valuable is that these cheap small seafood is rich in glutamic acid, alanine and aspartic acid and other fresh amino acids. These foods do not need to add condiments such as monosodium glutamate and chicken essence when cooking.

   Someone once said: The algae and shellfish in the sea have too much heavy metal residues and are not suitable for consumption. In fact, small seafood are basically low-level marine organisms that live at the bottom of the food chain. If heavy metals remain in their bodies, they are far less than the big fish in the ocean. We should all still have memories. In the past few years, it was widely reminded that the heavy metal residues in sharks and other advanced animals are the highest. Even shark fins have accumulated heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead.

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