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Some problems hidden in dried chili cooking

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

   There are many people who love spicy food, especially after the scorching summer and cold autumn and winter seasons, the Sichuan restaurant in Mandajie is booming again. If you go to any Sichuan, Hunan, or home cooking restaurant, and open the exquisite menu, we can often see the full of spicy, spicy, spicy, spicy, sour, dry and even spicy dishes.

   spicy, can promote appetite, help gastric juice secretion, help food digestion, proper consumption of spicy food is still helpful to the body. Everyone knows that our regional Chinese cuisine in China focuses on the spicy and the sour, and the south and the north. In fact, many of the spicy dishes we eat now use chili as a seasoning, especially dried chili. These delicacies that are popular all over the country are represented by Sichuan and Guizhou in the southwest and Hunan and Hubei, rather than the spicy taste of green onion, ginger and garlic on the east coast of Jiaodong.

  Dried chili stir-fry does not have much criticism, as long as you eat the right amount, it does not matter. It''s just that I have more opinions on the red oil made by dried chili after high temperature. The main problem lies in three points.

  1. Chili is very nutritious, with 15.2g of protein per 100g of dried chili powder, 9.5g of fat, 57.7g of carbohydrate, and 18740ug of carotene (compared to page 30 of the Chinese food ingredient table-carrots in carrots) The element content is 4130ug). In addition, the minerals and trace elements in calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium are very high. However, after high-temperature frying or oil stewing, the loss of various nutrients or denaturation is not easy to absorb.

  2. During the process of making red pepper oil, the oxidized polymer increases after high temperature. Illegal businesses often use old oil that has been fried (pouring into the sewer is gutter oil!), add pepper, big material, cinnamon, bay leaves, grass fruit, nutmeg, cloves, fennel, comfrey, etc. to make It is spicy and pungent red oil, used to mix vegetables. This move not only saves costs, but also makes diners addicted to eating!

   3. Frequently eating dried chili is easy to get angry. Dry chili, especially fried chili oil, can stimulate our digestive tract mucosa, Induces ulceration of mucosal epithelial tissue. Often eating too much dried chili, common health problems are oral ulcers, sore throat, gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers. In addition, many people will suffer from constipation and painful bowel movements because they eat too much dried chili or red oil. These are the symptoms of "getting angry" that Chinese medicine calls.

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