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Who stole my nutrition

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  Whether it is animal food or plant food, after they slaughter and leave the soil, some of the nutrients begin to be lost. After a summary, we found that the longer the food is stored, the more nutrients are lost; the longer the food is cooked, the more nutrients are lost; the higher the food''s cooking problems, the more nutrients are lost. In addition to this, there are many links that, if they are not noticed, will also add some undesirable losses. Today, we will discuss with you about these inadvertent links to see who stole my nutrition!

  Chinese cuisine is world-famous, claiming to be insatiable and insatiable. That is to say: the finer the dishes, the better, and the more delicious the dishes, the better. However, from a nutritional point of view, the finer the dishes are, the greater the surface area and the higher the probability of exposure to air, and the more nutrients are lost. Cut vegetables, everyone must know how to cut them.

   However, in order to save trouble, some people will cut out the dishes used for dinner in the morning, so that some nutrients will be lost as the vegetable juice is lost. There are also some vitamins that are easily oxidized, such as vitamins C and E, which lose a lot. After such dishes are fried, the nutrition is lost too much, and the flavor is also inferior.

  Many fresh meat foods need to be sized and hung before cooking, because the taste of such dishes after cooking is very good. For example, when we marinate beef tenderloin, we can use salt, monosodium glutamate, Chinese wine, egg whites and starch to grind the meat evenly, and then cook it with the appropriate oil. This was a good way to protect nutrition, but some friends handled it improperly, but increased the loss of nutrients. Many people like to use baking soda, caustic soda, stone powder, tender meat powder and even caustic soda to marinate the meat, and then paste the paste, the meat processed in this way will be more smooth and tender, but it is not known that a lot of nutrients are lost.

  Among them, there are many meat tenderizers on the market that contain alkaline substances and excessive nitrite (which plays a role in tenderization and preservative), which not only causes loss of meat nutrition, but also aggravates the liver and kidneys The burden is also harmful to the stomach. Others are alkali-based tenderizers. Proteins in meat will undergo protein denaturation when they encounter alkali, which is not easy to absorb; while fats will encounter saponification after encountering alkalis, not only will they lose their due use value , But it will produce odor; after meat is tenderized by alkalis, the biggest loss of nutrients is vitamins. The large amount of B vitamins in meat will basically be lost. Incorrect cooking methods have stolen from our food. nutrition.

   Some friends like to put alkali when cooking porridge. I think this kind of porridge is not only boiled, but also relatively sticky. In the same way, with this method of cooking porridge, there is a lot of loss of protein, fat and vitamins in rice and beans. For diabetic patients, the glycemic index of porridge boiled with alkali is higher, because the starch granules in rice have a high degree of gelatinization and fast digestion, so how can your blood sugar be controlled?

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