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Detailed explanation of the hypoglycemic effect of wheat germ

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  For friends with high blood lipid, dietary fiber in food will absorb a lot of water and swell after entering the intestine, stimulating the nerves of the intestinal wall to promote intestinal peristalsis, which can remove metabolic waste and toxins in the intestine. When these dietary fibers are fermented in the large intestine, they will stimulate the liver to secrete more bile acids, reduce the body''s own cholesterol levels, and thus control blood lipids.

In addition to dietary fiber,    wheat germs also have rich phytosterols that directly control blood lipids. Although they are all steroids, phytosterols can reduce the probability of cholesterol absorption. Plant sterols have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the human body, which can inhibit the body''s absorption of cholesterol, promote the degradation and metabolism of cholesterol, and inhibit the biochemical synthesis of cholesterol. It is used to prevent and treat coronary heart disease such as atherosclerosis. It has obvious curative effect on the treatment of ulcers, skin squamous cell carcinoma, cervical cancer, etc.; it can promote wound healing, make muscle hyperplasia and enhance capillary circulation; and can also be used as an inhibitor of gallstone formation. In addition, phytosterols are also important raw materials for the synthesis of vitamin D3 in the human body. Therefore, when eating high-cholesterol foods, it is especially suitable for phytosterol-rich ingredients to ensure a healthy diet.

  Wheat germ is also a food rich in vitamins. In addition to softening blood vessels, antioxidant vitamin E and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) to prevent skin and mucous membrane inflammation and ulcers, we can also look at the above table The content of vitamin B1 in wheat germ is high (or abnormally high). The content is 3.5 mg per 100 g, and the pork loin with the highest content in livestock meat is only 0.80 mg. Other meat is not worth mentioning. Most will not exceed 0.50 mg. Vitamin B1 can synthesize indispensable coenzymes for energy conversion of food carbohydrates, and it can also prevent neuroinflammation. For example, severe beriberi is caused by long-term lack of vitamin B1.

  Beriberi is not ordinary athlete''s foot, but a serious neurological disease. Symptoms are: edema of both lower extremities, calf gastrocnemius toothache and hyperreflexia of the knee. After a doctor''s diagnosis, he can take a sufficient amount of vitamin B1 for treatment. We can usually maintain a balanced diet and adequate intake of vitamin B1, which can play a good preventive effect. It should be noted that people who regularly drink a lot of alcohol, because the metabolism of alcohol needs to consume more vitamin B1, it is more likely to cause vitamin B1 deficiency.

  It should be noted that wheat germ is slightly higher in calories than flour, and it is also a part of the staple food. For friends with high blood sugar, eating wheat germ needs to subtract the corresponding amount of staple food, otherwise it is not Helps to play an active role.

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