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Make more nutritious and beautiful cakes in your own kitchen

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

   cake is a dessert that everyone likes to eat very much. It is famous for its softness and sweetness, and it is loved by old and young women and children. The cakes we often eat now come from Western desserts in Europe and America, and China has long had its own unique and unique cake-steamed cake. As the name suggests, our ancestral method of making cakes is steaming, while pastry cakes are baked.

  Steamed cake: one pound of low-gluten flour, 5 eggs, sugar 22, 10g of aluminum-free baking powder, a little black sesame, and 20 cake mold paper.


  1. Beat the eggs and mix well, add sugar to mix.

   2. Mix flour and baking powder, mix in egg liquid and mix well, about half an hour.

   3. Pour the flour paste into the cake paper mold, it is not easy to overfill, sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

   4. Put the cake batter in the steamer and steam for 8 minutes on high heat.

   5. Turn off the heat after steaming, but it is not suitable to open the cover immediately, it needs to stand for 5 minutes.

  6. It can be eaten after being out of the pot.

  The technical content of baking cakes is relatively high, and an oven is also required, which is a prerequisite that is inconvenient for us in ordinary people’s homes. However, we can use our own method to make more nutritious steamed cakes! All you need is a steamer!

  Steamed cakes are soft and sweet and nutritious compared to baked cakes. Moreover, the cake is a very good protein and carbohydrate-rich food, which contains more carotene, lecithin and zeaxanthin, has the health and health effects of nourishing the liver and eyesight, and stomach and spleen. It’s just that friends with high blood sugar and blood lipids are not suitable, but gout patients can eat it without the above complications!

  The difference between steamed cakes and baked cakes is that baked cakes have glycine in sugar and protein in The non-enzymatic browning reaction (Meirard reaction) occurs at a temperature higher than 120 degrees, so the color becomes brownish and the aroma is relatively strong; steamed cakes use a low-temperature cooking method, and the temperature of the steam does not exceed 101 degrees, so their Nutrient loss is much less than baked cakes, and the color is light yellow and the smell is fragrant.

   In ancient times, our ancestors had already cooked a variety of delicious dim sum and snacks, and there are also some delicious processed with water or steam, such as: steamed sponge cake, steamed bad, green bean cake, red bean cake , Cloud flake cake, pearl dumplings, etc. We should carry on better inheritance, which not only continues the intangible culture of our Chinese nation, but also benefits health!

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