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Are green vegetables really anti-cancer?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  We all know that ionizing radiation and heavy metal residues in the body can directly or indirectly induce cancer. Nutritionist Bernard Dr. Jensen pointed out that chlorophyll can remove toxins from pesticides and drug residues, and can be combined with radioactive substances to remove them from the body. In addition, he also found that generally healthy people have higher blood counts than sick patients, but after absorbing a large amount of chlorophyll, the blood counts of sick patients will increase and their health will improve.

  The absorption of folic acid has a great relationship with the intake of vitamin B12 in food. The two interact with each other. In the case of insufficient vitamin B12 in food, folic acid is difficult to perform as expected even if it is absorbed. effect. Therefore, green vegetables are best paired with meat, which can not only achieve a balanced diet, but also help prevent pernicious anemia and lower cholesterol levels. Under normal circumstances (except for the elderly with too little gastric acid secretion, after stomach surgery, etc.), the human body is not prone to lack of vitamin B12, and its rich foods include animal liver, kidney, beef, pork, chicken, fish, Clams, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products, fermented bean curd.

   Green fruits and vegetables have high carotene content. For example, the carotene content of pea tips and pea seedlings exceeds 2700 micrograms/hundred grams, the spinach carotene content is 2930 micrograms/hundred grams, and winter amaranth can even Reach 6950 mcg/100g, wolfberry 9750 mcg/100g, broccoli 7210 Micrograms/100g; these are the green vegetables we often eat, and some wild vegetables have a higher carotene content! For example, the carotene content of wild vegetables such as slub, sapodilla, small thistle, pinch, etc. can actually Reached 6000~12000 micrograms/hundred grams, Spirulina 38810 micrograms/hundred grams. What is this concept? You can also refer to it as an example. For green vegetables, the carotene content of the fruits and vegetables we often eat is much less, generally below 100 micrograms/100 grams, which can be said to be carrots The gap in vegetarian content is huge.

  When the body lacks vitamin A, it is prone to problems such as night blindness, rough skin, mucosal tissue ulcers, colds, slow growth and development, and low resistance. Some studies have even found that people who often lack vitamin A are more likely to develop cancer. The safest way to supplement vitamin A is to get it from the diet, not from health supplements. Daily intake of sufficient carotene or vitamin A from food can maintain eye and skin health, improve night blindness, rough skin conditions, relieve osteoporosis, promote growth and development, help the body avoid free radical damage and prevent chronic diseases ,cancer.

  Carotene is a bright spot in plant-based ingredients. Its role is not only to provide provitamin A to the human body, but also it and chlorophyll, vitamin E and vitamin C in green vegetables are great antioxidants. Substances, they can prevent the damage of oxidized free radicals to our body tissue cells, accelerate the occurrence of aging and chronic diseases and cancer. In addition to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, we are often exposed to exhaust pollution, smoking, pesticide residues in food, and heavy metal residues in urban life. These are the main reasons for the increase of oxidized free radicals.

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