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Stomach and duodenal ulcer diet

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

   Modern people have tense rhythm of life, thick balm, excessive diet, lack of sleep, excessive drinking and other problems can cause stomach and duodenal ulcers. This type of disease can persist, and it can trouble and reduce our quality of life at any time, and even lead to more serious tumors and cancers.

   For friends with stomach and duodenal ulcers, we need to eliminate the cause of the disease first, which is what we said at the beginning of this article, we also need to be adjusted with an appropriate diet.

   1. Strictly control or prohibit the stimulation of food such as tobacco, alcohol, spicy, cold and hard. Try to avoid strong tea, broth, coffee and leeks, celery, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots and other foods with high crude fiber content. Don''t be hungry or full, stay up all night, don''t eat anything within three hours before going to bed, especially meat supper.

   2. Try to eat soft foods during the recovery period of ulcers, do not eat fried, grilled, oversweet, greasy foods, such as lamb shanks, skewers, fried steak, sweet cakes and so on. It is forbidden to eat too salty or too acidic diet. This diet is not conducive to the healing of mucosal epithelial cells and will aggravate the condition.

   3. During the pain period of ulcers, it is not advisable to eat foods with too much crude fiber, such as coarse and hard grains, relatively hard vegetables and fruits, etc., so as not to cause excessive gastric acid secretion and induce pain.

   4. You can often eat milk, soy milk, fermented pasta in moderation, these foods can help the healing of ulcers.

   5. For those who suffer from malnutrition and excessive weight loss due to ulcer disease, daily meals must be supplemented with sufficient high-quality protein, minerals and vitamins.

  Vitamin U and the rehabilitation of stomach and duodenal ulcers:

  In vegetable foods, there is a little-known water-soluble vitamin called vitamin U. It is also an important ingredient of the famous stomach medicine-Weixian U, which has the effect of helping the healing of ulcers.

  Vitamin U''s physiological function:

  Vitamin U: scientific name iodomethyl methylthiobutyrate, generally in cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, alfalfa and other green leafy vegetables many. Vitamin U has a special smell. Here, food can be juiced with a small amount of fruit to improve the taste and increase the intake of vitamins and minerals. It is unstable in the light or long time in the air, easily soluble in water, and the aqueous solution is acidic. Mainly used to treat gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

   Cabbage and broccoli contain anti-ulcer factors such as vitamin K1 and vitamin U. Regular consumption of cabbage has the effect of relieving gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer and assisting healing. It is suitable for long-term consumption. In addition, cabbage vegetables are rich in vitamin C, carotene, and some isothiocyanates and other sulfides, which are special components of cruciferous vegetables and have anti-cancer effects.

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