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The most respected dish in summer

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-11

  In the hot summer days, the body''s peripheral blood circulation is accelerated, the body''s surface blood supply is increased, and the spleen and stomach functions are reduced. These are the prerequisites for summer diet adjustment, so the diet needs to be lighter. As the saying goes, the thick taste of ointment is harmful to people. In summer, we should reduce the intake of fatty and spicy food, so that we can not only take in enough nutrition, but also protect our health and prevent diseases.

   In summer, it is suitable to eat more melon vegetables, such as cucumber, bitter melon, zucchini, winter melon, chayote, loofah, etc. One advantage of these melon vegetables is that they are relatively large, low in calories, and high in water. They are especially suitable for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood fat, and gout. According to traditional Chinese medicine, melons and vegetables are mostly cold. Because the water content of these melon vegetables is high, for example, winter melon can reach 95% water content, which is very conducive to replenish the moisture lost in summer sweating, and has a good effect of hydrolyzing and poisoning. Melons and vegetables are especially suitable for girls who want to control their weight and lose weight in summer.

  Provide dishes:

  I. Loofah chicken leg mushroom egg soup

   Ingredients: loofah, chicken leg mushrooms, steamed chicken cake ( Anhydrous, steamed and sliced to make soup, the difference is ordinary.)

  Second, winter melon barley duck

   black winter melon with skin, barley, wolfberry, Duck nuggets or small rows.

  Three, hot and sour cucumbers

   millet spicy, cucumber, garlic seeds, rice vinegar, sesame oil.

  Four watermelon skin diced buns

   watermelon skin, parsley, spring onion ginger, pork belly, soy sauce, noodles or soup noodles.

  Five, shrimp stuffed cold melon

   thick meat bitter melon (cool melon, sea white shrimp meat, ginger, wolfberry.)

   Let’s not forget the balanced diet in order to lose weight. The summer diet is light. It is best to match vegetables with easily digestible poultry and aquatic products, which is more healthy!

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