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Come and eat rice cakes in the first month

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-16

  Eating rice cakes is a traditional custom that the Chinese have always kept. In addition to eating during the twelfth lunar month and the first lunar month, the deliciousness of rice cakes can be enjoyed all year round. People often say, "Eating rice cakes during the first month will be higher every year." It implies that this time of year is the time to eat rice cakes. After eating the rice cakes, you can rise step by step. "Looks high, earns high income, and has a high position." This is really auspicious. However, I’m saying something less appropriate here: this rice cake is a good thing, but if you eat it incorrectly, it will really cause some trouble, and it may prompt you to become "high blood sugar, high blood fat, high blood pressure". "Three highs".

  First, why does the mochi cause blood sugar to rise?

   This mochi usually uses glutinous rice, glutinous rice flour or yellow rice as the main raw material after steaming Then suppressed. This cooking method is not picky, it belongs to a healthy low-temperature cooking method, and there is little loss of nutrients. Glutinous rice and yellow rice are both spleen-invigorating foods mentioned by traditional Chinese medicine, which have certain benefits for spleen and stomach health. However, as everyone knows, glutinous rice and yellow rice are amylopectin-rich cereals. In addition to their particularly sticky taste, their glycemic index is also very high. Some foods have high digestibility and high glycemic index when eaten hot; low digestibility and glycemic index are correspondingly low when eaten cold, but it’s strange that rice cakes are not the same as other foods. Still eating cold, the glycemic index is very high after the meal, there is not much difference. This tells us that some middle-aged and elderly people and people with high blood sugar are not suitable for eating rice cakes. It is best to taste it. Especially people with high blood sugar cannot eat rice cakes with sugar or honey.

  Second, what is the relationship between rice cakes and high blood lipids?

   Now that the living conditions are good, many people who are overweight will have high blood lipids. If you love sweets and rice cakes, I advise you to take it easy, because rice cakes are high-calorie foods, and dietary fiber does not help you control your weight and stabilize blood lipids. There are such fat friends around me, who like to eat rice cakes dipped in sugar. Think about it, if you eat a plate of rice cakes, you can''t eat much of other foods, and what vegetables and fruits are basically waiting for a meal. The high calories produced in these foods can''t be consumed. Not only will it eventually become fat and stick to your waist, but it will also make fat people fatter and have higher blood lipids. Some friends also like to eat fried rice cakes, fried rice cakes, and even more, the fried rice cakes are actually wrapped in sweet bean paste filling, and finally fried and eaten with sugar. Alas, this way of eating is really terrible!

  Three, improper eating of rice cakes will increase blood pressure.

  The rice cake digests faster in the stomach, but because of the lack of dietary fiber, it moves very slowly in the intestine. Some people eat unreasonably at the banquet. Not only do they eat less food, eat a lot of meat and add some rice cakes, and drink a lot of wine, it will cause a lot of water in the body to enter the blood because of the effect of alcohol. Increased blood pressure and increased heart burden. The meat and rice cakes in the intestine will be slow to move, and will absorb a lot of water in the large intestine, which will further increase blood pressure after inducing constipation.

  Four, what is a better way to eat rice cakes?

  Healthy people with normal weight can eat rice cakes with a little sugar or honey, nothing Relationship, only control the quantity. Eating rice cakes is best eaten as part of the meal, which is not good for increasing the total calorie intake throughout the day and helps control weight. In addition, when eating rice cakes, in addition to drinking alcohol, it is best not to eat too much at once, so as not to cause too much burden on the digestive system.

   rice cakes can also be added to the dish, which can solve the problem of insufficient intake of staple food in the family banquet. For example, there is a famous dish in Huaiyang cuisine called "Rice Cake Fried Crab". This dish is actually a more reasonable match. The rice cake is a warm food, which has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach. Crabs are cold food, and some people with cold stomach will experience gastrointestinal discomfort and even diarrhea. Use rice cakes with crabs to neutralize the coldness of crabs, and to nourish the stomach and qi, balance yin and yang. Chop the crab into pieces, cut the rice cake into mahjong pieces, and then simply use some ginger and green onion and random ingredients to cook. Not only the method is simple, but the taste is good!

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