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Removal of pesticide residues on the surface of vegetables and fruits

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  Couple to remove pesticide residues on the surface of vegetables and fruits After applying pesticides, pesticides and metabolites, degradants or derivatives remaining on the surface of vegetables and fruits and vegetables and fruits are collectively called pesticide residues.

  China has promulgated GB2763-2005 "Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food" stipulating the residue limits of 136 pesticides. Before we eat vegetables and fruits, we must remove pesticide residues on it to the greatest extent.

   (1) Peeling: Vegetables and fruits that can be peeled or peeled should be peeled and cooked and eaten as much as possible.

   (2) Soaking and washing: Mainly used for leafy vegetables, such as spinach, spinach, leek, lettuce, cabbage, etc. Generally, the surface contaminants are rinsed off with water first, and then soaked in clean water for no less than 10 minutes. Vegetable and fruit cleaning agents can promote the dissolution of pesticides, so a small amount of vegetable and fruit cleaning agents can be added during soaking. After soaking, rinse with water at least 2 to 3 times.

   (3) Place at room temperature: Place the vegetables in a ventilated place for 2 to 3 days. After the pesticides are applied to vegetables and fruits, their residues will decrease with time, and gradually decompose into substances that are harmless to humans. Therefore, fruits and vegetables that are easy to preserve can be stored after a certain period of time and then eaten to reduce pesticide residues. This method is applicable to non-perishable fruits and vegetables such as apples, kiwis and winter melons.

   (4) Scalding in boiling water: Some vegetables have many gaps and angles, which are likely to cause pesticide residues, such as celery, spinach, cabbage, green pepper, cauliflower, beans, etc., you can first wash the surface contaminants with clean water Clean, then put in boiling water for 2 to 5 minutes to remove more than 90% of residual pesticides. The pesticides used in vegetables and fruits are mainly divided into four categories: organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, carbamate pesticides, pyrethroid pesticides. These pesticides decompose faster under high temperature and ventilation conditions, and will also reduce toxicity due to prolonged storage time.

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