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Simple diagnosis, diagnosis, diagnosis and diagnosis of cancer patients' families

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-05

  Malignant tumors are already the number one killer in humans. With the increasingly advanced treatment methods for malignant tumors, the gradual increase of early diagnosis cases and the gradual transformation of treatment concepts, cancer patients are currently facing two biggest problems: First, how to prevent the recurrence and metastasis of tumors in the long-term stable period? For patients with advanced tumors, how can they alleviate pain and extend lifespan as much as possible. At the present stage, there is a lack of precise treatment in these two areas, and traditional Chinese medicine has more prominent features in regulating the body''s overall internal environment, reducing patient symptoms, and even prolonging the survival of advanced patients. Therefore, more and more Of these patients have resorted to the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine on these two issues, and various health care methods of traditional Chinese medicine have quickly been widely used in cancer patients, including diet, health care products, qigong, acupuncture, foot therapy, etc. . However, the application of TCM health care methods should be guided by the basic theories of TCM. Due to the general knowledge of TCM that patients and their families do not understand, TCM health care is improperly applied or even incorrectly applied, which affects the efficacy of patients.

  Chinese medicine health care and treatment Paying attention to "differentiation and treatment" is to determine prescription medication, dietary contraindications, Qigong guidance, etc. according to the specific conditions of different patients. Therefore, before carrying out self-assisted TCM health care, cancer patients must first understand what "symptoms" they belong to TCM? That is to say, what kind of TCM condition they belong to? But TCM dialectics is more complicated, and it is not for patients and their families It may be possible to identify the specific syndrome type of the patient in detail, which is the level that can be achieved only after careful analysis by experienced TCM specialists. However, if you pay attention to observation in daily life and add some basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, you can understand the most basic cold, heat, deficiency and reality of patients to guide health care. So here are some simple methods for families to look, ask, and diagnose the disease, to understand the specific situation of the patient, to guide the patient''s usual diet and the application of health products, to get the best health effects, and to avoid the so-called traditional Chinese medicine. The ring of "deficiency and reality" (make the patients with deficiency syndrome weaker and make the patients with evil qi more harmful).

  1. Four consultations of traditional Chinese medicine: The four consultations of traditional Chinese medicine include four methods: looking, smelling, asking, and cutting. By organically integrating the data obtained by the four diagnosis methods, the patient''s syndrome can be analyzed . However, for patients and their families, it is impossible to learn all four methods of diagnosis, and listening and intensive diagnosis require professional knowledge and clinical experience accumulation. Therefore, as long as you master the visit and ask the clinic The analysis of valuable information can basically understand the coldness and fever of patients, and there is no need to force yourself to learn the diagnosis method of Chinese medicine.

  2. The content of the inspection: "Internal Classic" cloud: "The god who knows when you look" means that the most sensible doctor can understand the patient''s condition through the inspection. It can be seen that the importance of the inspection in the four consultations of traditional Chinese medicine. For patients and their families, the visit mainly understands the following information.

  Spirit: What is the mental state of the patient, is it the same as normal or weaker than normal, responsive or sluggish, energetic or incompetent?

   Morphology: Morphology includes form and The two parts of the dynamic, to distinguish whether the patient is obese, thin, symmetrical, strong, or weak, is the dynamic as usual, slow, or bedridden?

   complexion: complexion red, white, yellow, black, Five kinds of complexions, such as facial green, are easier to draw conclusions for patients and their families, because only you and your family know the complexion when the patient is healthy, then what color is biased compared to when it is healthy.

Tongue coating: The observation of tongue coating is very important in Chinese medicine, because Chinese medicine believes that the tongue is the only internal organ that can be directly inspected. Tongue consists of two parts, one is tongue quality and the other is tongue coating. The tongue is divided into red tongue (dark tongue), light red tongue (normal), and white tongue (light tongue). The tongue coating is divided into thick, yellow-white, greasy, and dry. The thickness does not need to be explained. Yellow and white can also be understood. Greasy means delicate, sticky, and not easy to scrape off. Dryness is thick and dry. Tongue coating has less moisture.

   3. The content of the consultation: The Chinese medicine doctor has a formula called "Ten Question Song": "One question is cold and hot, two questions are sweat, three questions are head and four questions, five questions are diet and six questions are chest, Seven deaf and eight listeners must be distinguished, nine questions about the old disease and ten reasons, After taking the medicine and changing the machine again, the woman has to ask about the menstrual period. It can be seen later, early, closed, and collapsed. Does numbness, acne, startle, and cold touch? "This is for Chinese medicine doctors. For patients and their families, it is enough to complete the first six questions.

  Ask cold and heat: To understand whether you are more afraid of cold or heat than the average person, How is the degree?

  Ask for sweating: Is it normal sweating or is it different from usual sweating? How much is it and when is it?

  Ask the head: ask What are the discomforts of the head and the torso?

  Ask for two stools: ask for the traits, color, how much, frequency, etc. of the urine and stool.

  Ask for diet: ask about the diet, such as The amount of meals, how much water to drink, preferences, etc.

  Ask the chest threat: mainly to ask if the chest threatens discomfort, pain, bloating, etc.

  4 Cold and hot Collect the data from the first four clinics together to classify the cold and heat.

  Han: In general, the complexion is whitish, bluish, the tongue is reddish or whitish, the tongue is greasy or slippery , Fear of cold, like to eat hot drinks, hot food, clear urine, thin or thin stools, and patients with low drinking water are cold syndromes, and should be adjusted with warm, hot diet or health products.< /p>

  Heat: If the patient looks reddish, the tongue is red, the tongue is dry or yellow, or is less swollen, he is afraid of heat, secretions, excreta, hot, smelly, sticky, cold drinks, cold food, and less urine Yellow, dry stools belong to the heat syndrome, which should be adjusted to the heat treatment method or health care products.

   Deficiency: All patients are mentally depressed, pale, thin or thin, fat, action Slowness, thick or thin tongue, pale tongue, little or no fur, shortness of breath, weak language, The voice is low, and when you move, you sweat or you sweat at night, eating too little, or not thinking about the diet, shortness of breath, etc. The prompts are false syndromes. At this time, you should use dietary supplements and health products to adjust.

  Solid: Anyone who sees the patient irritable, sturdy, with a flat face, breathing shortness of breath, high voice, bad breath, The tongue is light red or red, thick moss, white dry, etc. This is generally empirical, it is not appropriate to make up at this time, the diet should be light, and the choice of health products should also choose some clear products to avoid committing "closure." The door stays with the pirates.

   In short, in the daily adjustment process of malignant tumor patients, the most basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine must be observed. Although it is difficult for family members and patients to master the knowledge of syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as they learn the simple hopes mentioned above , Smelling, and consulting, you can distinguish the most basic cold and heat, and then choose the diet and health products accordingly, it will basically not violate the principle. However, after all, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is difficult to understand, so if circumstances permit, it is better to turn to specialists for a more scientific approach.

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