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It's cold and the elderly are easy to fall

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  As cold air continues to hit, the temperature drops sharply, and there are more cases of falls in the elderly. In fact, in winter, young people often fall, but because young people have better bones, they are less prone to fractures, but the elderly are different. According to my clinical experience, due to osteoporosis, the elderly fall It is easy to get injured. For the elderly, in addition to various methods of treating osteoporosis, avoiding falls should be the first preventive measure. Why are elderly more likely to fall in winter?

   First, due to the temperature Low, the outdoor ground often has a thin layer of ice, and even the earthy ground may freeze harder than usual. Especially for the elderly who like morning exercises, the temperature in the early morning is very low, the thin ice on the road has not been thawed, and just woke up, the whole body has not entered the state, and it is more likely to fall.

   Second, the cold winter is the high incidence of many senile osteoarthropathy, especially for the knee joint, which is the main weight-bearing joint of the body. The onset of knee osteoarthropathy can cause joint swelling and pain. They often "can''t keep up" and fall. Last month, a patient of my operation was due to an osteoarthritis of the knee, which caused an unstable standing and eventually fell into a hip fracture.

   Third, the weather is getting colder. The clothes worn by the elderly are thicker, and sometimes several layers of clothing are fully covered on the body, which affects the movement of the limbs, which also makes it easy to wrestle. Don’t think that clothes are worn too much, and the chance of injury is small. Many fractures are not caused by violence caused by direct falls. For the elderly, torsion, compression, shearing, etc. can also cause fractures.

  Fourth, the weather is cold, the muscles and blood vessels of the elderly contract, prone to muscle stiffness, decreased coordination ability, especially spasms and rigidity at the attachment of muscles to bones and joints, in this case, very Easy to fall. I still remember an elderly patient with a broken bone telling me: "Doctor, in fact, I will be fine when I move a bit, but my legs just didn''t listen to me."

   Fifth, due to the severe winter, many elderly people are outdoors Activity is reduced, and the time to lie or sit at home is relatively extended. Due to the reduction of exercise, there are not many opportunities for sun exposure, which leads to increased bone calcium loss, further increased osteoporosis, and backache and leg swelling. Naturally, it is easy to fall.

   There is one type of fracture that is the most harmful, that is, fracture after sudden cerebrovascular disease. Winter is a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and sometimes even transient cerebral ischemia can cause The patient fell and suffered a fracture. In clinical practice, doctors often ask old patients with fractures: Do you accidentally fall, or fall after dizziness-the two methods of treatment are very different, the former is generally enough for fracture treatment; and the latter In addition to treating fractures, more attention should be paid to the head that caused the fall.

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