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Elderly people pay attention to taking the bus

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   Elderly people are more likely to have broken bones in winter. By contrast, more elderly people rely on buses for travel, so pay special attention to protect your health while riding, try not to sit in the back row, and chase the car carefully To prevent accidents.

   Scenario 1. An old man sits In the last row of the bus, the road was uneven and the car suddenly bumped. The old man suddenly felt that his back pain could not be straightened up. After an examination, it was found that it was a lumbar compressive fracture.

  Explain the doubt: In addition to the direct violence caused by falls, indirect violence caused by compression can also cause fractures, which is easily overlooked by the elderly. One of the common hazards of compression fractures in the elderly comes from bumps in the bus. In the two-door bus, the rear seats are often very high, and the sense of bumps is more obvious. The elderly should not sit in this row. Especially the position in the middle of the last row is the most unsafe. Once you brake, it is easy to throw out because there is no armrest. In the three-door bus, the middle position is very swaying and bumpy. Once it encounters a turn, the middle position is more twisted.

  Recommendation: Old people take the bus, it is best to sit in the front of the car or stand in front.

   Scenario 2. An old man just walked out of the house and saw the bus coming. He trot a few steps and suddenly rushed into a bicycle from the side. The old man twisted his body, dodged to the side, and did not fall Ground, but the knee joint can''t move, it hurts. I went to the hospital to take a film and found that the patella was broken.

  Dispel doubts: The weather is getting colder, the clothes worn by the elderly are thicker, and sometimes several layers of clothing are fully covered on the body, which affects the activity, the muscles contract suddenly, and stretch, it is easy to suddenly twist the joints and fracture .

  Recommendation: Before going out, the old man should do some warm-up exercises, don’t underestimate the flick of his hand, turn his ankle, twist his waist, in fact, it is to let the muscles and fracture activities open, better run-in.

   The bones of the elderly are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will cause fractures. In daily life, elderly friends must pay attention to their own health, whether they are taking the bus or having fun. Sun, let''s protect yourself to prevent falls and injuries.

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