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Poisoning mercury poisoning? True or false?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   Through literature search, you can also see some related reports: Mercury is the only liquid metal with high density, which is insoluble in water, hydrochloric acid or alkaline liquid, that is, insoluble in gastrointestinal fluid, but deposited in The bottom of the stomach, if it can actively induce diarrhea, can be excreted smoothly. Theoretically speaking, an adult can have acute poisoning by ingesting more than 10 grams of mercury at a time, while mercury in a mercury thermometer is less than about 0.5 grams, and generally does not cause acute poisoning after swallowing (unless the intestine is damaged).

  1. Easy to be poisoned Situation

  It is reported in the literature that if the mercury thermometer breaks, the mercury will form many drops of water on the ground. If not actively treated, it will easily evaporate into the air and its vapor is very toxic. , Can enter the nervous system through the human respiratory tract, causing mercury poisoning. But I think that mercury evaporation should be related to the indoor temperature and the amount of mercury. You don’t know if there is a similar experience. When I was a kid, I encountered two situations where the mercury thermometer broke off. I secretly collected it on paper and played with it for a little while. Mercury does not evaporate quickly in a short period of time, and the evaporation of mercury does not evaporate as quickly as alcohol. What is the manifestation of mercury poisoning? The clinical manifestations of mercury poisoning include headache, dizziness, fatigue, fever; oral odor, and nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea; skin symptoms are red maculopapular rash, with limbs and The head and face are more distributed. A small number of patients may have kidney damage, and some severe cases may have manifestations of acute interstitial pneumonia such as cough, chest pain, dyspnea, and cyanosis.

  2. How to collect and handle the spilled mercury

  ①Use a small wet cotton swab or tape to gently glue the spilled mercury on the ground , Put into a vial that can be sealed and put in a well-ventilated environment.

  ②Do not pour the collected mercury into the sewer to avoid polluting the groundwater source. If mercury infiltrates into groundwater and people drink water containing heavy metals, it will endanger human health.

  3. Things to do immediately after ingesting mercury

  Take liquid foods containing protein immediately, such as milk and egg whites, to remove mercury .

   It is said that in some developed countries, parents are prohibited from buying mercury thermometers. I suggest that parents still buy electronic thermometers for their children to be more secure.

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