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What are the treatment methods for prostatitis cysts

BY Ira Max 2020-07-23

   Prostatitis cysts are prone to male patients with frequent symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency, and they are also prone to burden on men’s psychology, which can affect men’s health. Although male diseases of prostate cysts are relatively common, many patients are The treatment methods do not know how to choose. In fact, there are many methods for treating prostate cysts. We usually use five methods, namely physical therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, medical materials, puncture, and drainage. The following is a specific understanding.

  1, drugs< /strong>

  First of all, fever medicines and analgesics must be given, including oral or intramuscular injections, and fluids are added as necessary to relieve symptoms. Screen sensitive antibiotics based on the results of bacterial culture to eliminate or inhibit pathogens. Broad-spectrum antibiotics can be used as the drug of choice for bacterial culture. Patients with prostate cysts can take as much oral medicine as possible. If necessary, intravenous or intramuscular injection should be used. Patients with difficulty urinating can use antispasmodics such as belladonna, urinary and other drugs, as well as some sedatives to relieve symptoms.

  2. Puncture method

  When the patient continues to have high fever and the urinary tract symptoms do not improve significantly, urethral discharge and loose stools should be considered. Only by completely removing the abscess can the above symptoms be relieved. Puncture treatment of prostate cysts is simple and easy. Insert a long needle into the pus cavity and use a syringe to suck the pus. Sometimes it will not be completely eliminated and it will take several times to achieve satisfactory results.

  3. Physical therapy

  Physiotherapy is suitable for acute prostatitis and abscess. According to the conditions and needs of each hospital equipment, reasonable application can promote the absorption of inflammation. If there is no physical condition, use a hot water bottle to place on the pubic bone or perineum, about once every half an hour, for several days, the effect is very good.

  4. Chinese medicine

  Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of acute prostatitis. Patients with prostate cysts should drink water while treating. Do not eat spicy food, such as chili, alcohol, etc. The diet should be rich in nutrition and light. Acute prostatitis, after timely and correct treatment, usually does not take long to recover, otherwise it may turn into chronic prostatitis.

  5. Drainage

  When the pus cavity is large, there are many pus, and the abscess incision and drainage is better. Proctoscope and the exposed part of the prostate, the wall of the rectum is cut with a knife to open the abscess cavity, and the pus is discharged from the drainage tube, which is used as the drainage situation, combined with the examination, and then the drainage time is determined. Currently, antibiotics are still required for this treatment.

  If the body has abnormal symptoms, everyone should still be treated in time. After all, if it is prolonged, it will cause great damage to the body. The most worrying thing is that the disease of prostate cysts is best if it is not mastered. The treatment time will make the patient''s condition worse and cause more harm to the patient, so everyone should be treated in time.

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