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Is the middle sternum pain lung cancer?

BY Carol Carey 2020-07-23

  Many people have had sternal pain experience, but everyone has a different attitude to deal with it. Some people worry that it is lung cancer, and more people leave it alone. So, is the middle sternum pain lung cancer? Must lung cancer be treated with chemotherapy?

  Lung cancer is mostly asymptomatic at the early stage, almost 2/3 of lung cancer patients are already advanced (stage III or IV) at the time of treatment, 95% patients may have clinical examination results, Primary tumors, metastatic tumors, systemic symptoms or tumor-associated symptoms can be the first symptoms of the patient.

  The clinical manifestations of lung cancer are closely related to the location, size, compression, invasion of adjacent organs, and metastasis. The cancer grows in the larger bronchi, and there is often an irritating cough. Increased cancer affects bronchial drainage, and there may be purulent sputum in secondary lung infections. Another common symptom is blood sputum, usually with blood spots, blood capillaries, or a small amount of intermittent hemoptysis in some sputum; even patients with blood sputum appearing once or twice have important reference value for diagnosis. Some patients have large bronchial obstructions due to tumors, which can cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, fever and chest pain.

  Long-term lung cancer compresses adjacent organs, tissues or distant metastases, can produce lung cancer at the top of the upper lobe, and can invade and compress organs or tissues located in the upper thoracic opening, such as the first rib, supraclavicular artery and Veins, brachial plexus nerves, cervical sympathetic nerves, etc., produce chest pain, jugular vein or upper limb vein engorgement, edema, arm pain and upper limb dyskinesia.

Second, there are many reasons for chest pain, such as: tension muscle pain, reflux esophagitis, costochondritis, pleurisy, etc.; even lung cancer may cause chest pain. When you have chest pain, you should go to the hospital for diagnosis in order to find out the cause as soon as possible.

  Lung cancer treatment, chemotherapy is a relatively common and main treatment method. The effect of chemotherapy on small cell lung cancer is more certain in the early or late stages, and there are even a few reports of radical treatment; it also has a certain effect on non-small cell lung cancer, but it is only palliative, and the role needs to be further improved. In recent years, the role of chemotherapy in lung cancer is no longer limited to inoperable patients with advanced lung cancer, but it is often included in the comprehensive treatment plan for lung cancer as a systemic treatment.

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