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Can endometrial cancer be cured?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-07-24

   Women are prone to various gynecological diseases. Some gynecological diseases are even very serious. Today I will tell you about endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is a familiar gynecological disease. After the illness, the impact on the patient is also very serious, especially for the patient''s life safety will cause a serious threat, we must pay attention to timely treatment. Can endometrial cancer be cured? How long do you know the survival rate?

  Endometrial cancer is a gynecological disease that we are familiar with. After the illness, the impact on the patient is also very serious, especially the patient’s life safety will cause a serious threat, we must pay attention to timely treatment. Let''s take a look at it together!

 Can  endometrial cancer be cured

  Endometrial cancer occurrence and the continuous effect of estrogen There is a direct relationship. Long-term non-ovulation is the main risk factor for endometrial cancer. Estrogen can cause excessive hyperplasia of the endometrium, and even atypical hyperplasia, and then endometrial cancer. The cancerous chance of atypical hyperplasia is about 10~25%. The risk of endometrial cancer in infertility, overweight, and menopause later than 52 years of age is five times higher than those of fertility, normal weight, and menopause less than 49 years of age.

   Endometrial cancer can occur at any age, but it is basically a tumor of elderly women. According to the United States Cancer Registration Statistics, the high incidence of the disease is 58-61 years old. Various types of uterine bleeding are the most prominent symptom of this disease, about 50~70%The patient''s onset is after menopause, as for the non-menopausal, it shows irregular bleeding or increased menstrual volume and prolonged menstrual period. Therefore, irregular vaginal bleeding in middle-aged and elderly women may be a signal of endometrial cancer, which should be highly vigilant, and for young patients, it should not be taken lightly.

  Endometrial cancer survival rate

   1. For patients with early endometrial cancer: mainly depends on whether appropriate treatment is taken in time . In general, early endometrial cancer has a smaller tumor and no spread or metastasis. The most effective treatment is surgical resection. The 5-year survival rate after early endometrial cancer resection can reach 60%—90&# xFF05;, after a certain period of time, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine and other treatments can be taken to prevent recurrence.

   2. For patients with advanced endometrial cancer: it mainly depends on whether the treatment is appropriate and the patient''s physical condition. The treatment methods for advanced endometrial cancer include radiochemotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine. 70%Middle and advanced endometrial cancer patients relieve symptoms after radiotherapy, different doses and divided doses of external radiotherapy can alleviate the local symptoms of primary or metastatic foci, but because radiotherapy can also cause damage to normal cells, Radiation therapy should be used with caution in patients with endometrial cancer with weak physical function.

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