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How long can lung cancer live with morphine

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-24

  How long can lung morphine live? No matter what type of cancer, once it develops to the middle and late stages, it will cause severe pain. This pain is called "cancer pain" in clinical medicine. The appearance of cancer pain It often makes patients suffer better than death, and suffers a lot. Morphine is one of the drugs that are often used to relieve pain. So, how long can lung cancer fight morphine? Lung cancer (5).jpg

  Relieve pain can apply morphine preparation in moderation, do not exceed The maximum dose can be used according to the specific situation of the patient. However, those who have pulmonary symptoms and poor breathing should minimize the application, because it can cause respiratory depression, excessive respiratory failure, sweating, tremor, fever, and high blood pressure. , Muscle pain and contractures, euphoria and other discomforts. As for how long can lung cancer live with morphine? It cannot be generalized because everyone''s situation is different.

  Advanced cancer pain is the result of many factors, including: physical, psychological, social and spiritual factors. Cancer patients sometimes describe their life as painful. Therefore, if the pain is about to be relieved, those who take care of the patient must speak about all aspects of discomfort and distress. Although the doctor may be able to distinguish between "quotes of life''s pain", the patient often cannot--to him In general, the pain is all-round, and includes everything.

   If the pain conveys a negative message, the intensity of the pain increases. Therefore, it is only a back pain that is responsive to codeine, but when it is found that the cause is metastatic cancer, morphine is needed, and then, the patients who have been in pain for several months are anxious because they investigate The future and expectations are only persistent and increasing pain. Newly occurring or worsening pain suggests a further deterioration of the disease-that is, closer to the stage of death.

  The impact of cancer on patients is usually devastating. Pain can be caused by both disease and treatment. Pain is not limited to physical symptoms. In order to determine the source of pain, it is necessary to psychologically evaluate patients and ask unresolved questions. Pain extends to threats to all aspects of social and private life. Suffering from the suffering of the disease and the appearance of the treatment and the effects of various abilities, and the pain of the patient''s understanding of the future.

   Cancer pain treatment generally starts with low-level analgesics, and gradually increases the amount of drugs and the level of drug replacement according to the change of the disease. Morphine has 100 times more analgesic effect than Dolendine. According to the level of medication, first consider non-steroidal analgesics, then to tramadol, then to dulending, and finally morphine. The details need to be decided by the local doctor according to the patient''s pain.

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