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How long is adenocarcinoma still alive

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-07-24

  How long can advanced lung adenocarcinoma live? For patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma, the psychology is particularly interested in knowing how long they can live, but for lung adenocarcinoma late, how long can it live, this does not give a specific number Because this is related to many factors, this article will analyze the factors that affect how long lung adenocarcinoma can survive in the advanced stage. Lung cancer(30).jpg

  1. Whether to actively cooperate with treatment

   For many patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma, many are prepared to give up their lives and do not want to waste too much money, but It can confirm the disease, maintain a peaceful state of mind, and actively cooperate with the treatment, which has a positive impact on survival time.

  2. Whether the treatment is appropriate

There are not many treatments available for advanced lung adenocarcinoma So, what kind of treatment should be chosen, this has a great impact on how long lung adenocarcinoma can survive in the late stage.

  Less unnecessary pathological biopsy

  pathological biopsy will bring great pain to patients, and the conclusions are often just Tell the patient that the cancer has metastasized, which has little meaning for the diagnosed patients. Attention should be paid to the treatment of advanced lung cancer. Too many repeated examinations will increase the patient''s physical burden and pain, make the body weaker, and make the condition worse.

   3. It is related to the patient''s physical function, good physical function and strong immunity, in order to resist the development of cancer and tolerate various drug treatments. Therefore, it is important for lung cancer patients to improve immune function and enhance resistance to tumors.

  How long can lung cancer survive in the late stage? Pay attention to good care:

   1. Bed sore prevention: Camps for patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma, generally poorly maintained Sometimes, combined with systemic edema, it is easy to produce bedsores, and it quickly expands, which is difficult to cure. It is particularly important to prevent the occurrence of bed sores, and it also affects how long lung adenocarcinoma can survive in the late stage. Keep the skin clean, especially for patients with incontinence and incontinence, keep the bed clean and smooth, apply a roast lamp to the broken skin, and keep it locally dry.

   2. Relieve symptoms: patients should be instructed to keep warm and prevent colds to avoid pneumonia; for irritating cough, antitussive agents can be given; patients with persistent cough at night can drink hot water to relieve Throat irritation; hemostasis should be given if there is coughing up blood. If a large amount of coughing up blood, notify the doctor immediately, and at the same time tilt the patient''s head to one side, remove blood in the mouth to prevent suffocation, and assist the doctor in rescue.

  3. Observation and nursing: Patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma often have metastases in different parts of the tumor, causing different symptoms. Observe and give appropriate care. Such as liver and brain metastases, sudden coma, convulsions, and unclear vision may occur. Nursing staff should find out in time and give symptomatic treatment. Due to weakness, fatigue, decreased activity and other reasons, patients often have constipation, and should be given laxatives or laxatives in time for laxation. This also has a certain effect on how long lung adenocarcinoma can survive in the late stage.

  How long can the advanced lung adenocarcinoma survive? It can be seen that the survival of advanced lung adenocarcinoma is inseparable from many factors. I hope that patients can actively face the disease and do not give up too early. Life, with your strong willpower to face, may live longer.

How long can lung adenocarcinoma survive? The prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma depends on early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment. If it has been developed to the late stage, the situation is very optimistic. If early detection, medicine The five-year survival rate is used to estimate the survival time. 86% patients died within five years after diagnosis. Therefore, the survival time of advanced lung adenocarcinoma will not exceed five years, and lung adenocarcinoma is prone to metastasis, and it is extremely painful to metastasize to other parts or tissues and organs for surgical resection. There is no cure for lung adenocarcinoma. Clinically, it can only be relieved by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. It cannot be cured. In the process of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the patient will be very painful, and some Chinese medicines can be combined to treat, reduce the body''s response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and reduce the pain. There are no special requirements for diet, just like normal diet.

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