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How long can pleural effusion of lung cancer live

BY Ira Max 2020-07-24

  How long can pleural effusion of lung cancer live? Many patients with lung cancer will have symptoms of pleural effusion at the advanced stage. Patients and their families will begin to worry that the survival time will not be long after this happens. In fact, we can start from the following It is understood in the article that the appearance of this symptom has no constant relationship with the survival time.

  Why is advanced lung cancer? Pleural effusion occurs

  Pleural effusion in patients with advanced lung cancer is mainly due to the obstruction of the lymph glands of the lungs and myocardium by the tumor, which causes the normal tissue fluid of the body to accumulate in the pericardium, forming pericardial effusion or Accumulated in the chest cavity to form pleural effusion.

 How long can the pleural effusion of pleural effusion in lung cancer survive?

  Long-term survival of pleural effusion in advanced lung cancer is not too long, but the patient’s Survival time has a great relationship with the treatment of the patient''s post-physique. The occurrence of pleural effusion in patients with advanced lung cancer can only indicate that the patient''s condition has deteriorated to a certain extent, and it is not directly related to the time of survival. Therefore, the occurrence of pleural effusion in patients with advanced lung cancer cannot be constant with an exact time .

  Will advanced pleural effusion of lung cancer be life-threatening?

  Long-term pleural effusion of lung cancer is mainly due to pleural effusion or visceral layer in the parietal pleura The rate at which the pleura absorbs pleural fluid changes. Although pleural effusion will not be life-threatening for a while, if the lung cancer factors that temporarily cause pleural effusion are not effectively controlled, the patient''s survival time will not be too long.

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