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How long can brain metastasis of small cell lung cancer live?

BY Ira Max 2020-07-24

  Small cell lung cancer accounts for about 20% of small cell lung cancer. It has a high degree of malignancy, short doubling time, early and widespread metastases, especially brain metastases are relatively common, bringing many complications to the patient’s life. Health poses a threat, so how long can the brain metastasis of small cell lung cancer live? Take a look together.

  For the disease of small cell lung cancer Many people are talking about cancer discoloration. Many people think that suffering is tantamount to death. The brain metastasis of small cell small cell lung cancer is often more serious and there will be many complications. At this time, the chance of curing is relatively small, but it is not sentenced to death. Choosing the right treatment plan can still reduce the patient''s pain. To prolong the life of the patient.

   In recent years, due to the universal application of brain CT examinations of lung cancer patients, many patients with asymptomatic brain metastases have been found, which has won time for treatment. Therefore, the brain CT of patients diagnosed with small cell lung cancer should be listed as a routine examination to detect brain metastases as early as possible. Generally speaking, the brain metastasis of small cell lung cancer is very troublesome in treatment and prognosis, and the survival period is also short. The purpose of treatment is mainly to improve the quality of life of patients and improve the significance of survival.

  Survival of small cell lung cancer brain metastasis? Generally speaking, the survival time of small cell lung cancer brain metastasis without treatment is generally about 3 months, the average survival time of pure surgery is 6-7 months, radiotherapy The average survival time is 6-9 months. The clinical benefit rate and average survival time of patients with brain metastasis are better than those of the radiotherapy + chemotherapy group. The combined treatment efficiency of traditional Chinese and western medicine and the survival rate of more than 1 year also show a trend higher than that of the simple Western medicine treatment group.

   In fact, the survival time of small cell lung cancer after brain metastasis depends mainly on the treatment method used. Therefore, some family members eagerly hope that the patient will survive longer, but blind treatment and wrong choices have also caused the opposite result. In the advanced stage of small cell lung cancer, metastasis of various organs can occur, which can cause corresponding symptoms, often causing great pain to patients and even threatening life. Brain metastasis from small cell lung cancer is one of them, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Therefore, the treatment of small cell lung cancer can not blindly pursue killing cancer cells and shrinking tumors, but should focus on improving clinical symptoms, improving quality of life and prolonging life.

   For the question of how long brain metastases can survive in small cell lung cancer, after reading this article, I believe everyone has an answer in their hearts. The occurrence of brain metastasis does not mean that the death sentence is imposed. Choosing a suitable treatment plan and maintaining a good mentality, scientific nursing will help reduce the patient''s pain and prolong the patient''s survival period.

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