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What are the symptoms of glioma recurrence?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-24

  What are the symptoms of glioma recurrence? The occurrence of any disease will bring certain performance characteristics, and the common intracranial tumor of glioma is no exception. Early glioma can be performed by surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc. Control, but it is very easy to metastasize and relapse, so it often makes patients friends feel afraid, so what are the symptoms of glioma recurrence?

   tumors derived from neuroepithelium are collectively called gliomas, accounting for 40%~50&# of craniocerebral tumors xFF05;, is the most common intracranial malignant tumor. The annual incidence rate is 3 to 8 people per 100,000 population. Like other tumors, gliomas are also caused by the interaction of innate genetic high-risk factors and environmental carcinogenic factors. Some known genetic diseases, such as neurofibromatosis (type I) and tuberculosis sclerosis, are genetic susceptibility factors for gliomas.

  Symptoms of glioma recurrence:

  1. Some patients have no symptoms. During the follow-up of the system, MRI was discovered by accident The tumor recurred.

   2. Some patients may have symptoms such as epilepsy, neurological dysfunction, and intracranial hypertension. Imaging should be performed to confirm the degree and location of the diagnosis of recurrence. Once the recurrence is confirmed, it should be diagnosed and treated in time to avoid serious complications.

  After comprehensive treatment, the median survival time of patients with low-grade glioma (WHO grades 1 to 2) is between 8 and 10 years; the median survival of patients with anaplastic glioma (WHO grade 3) The survival time is between 3 and 4 years; the median survival time of patients with glioblastoma (WHO grade 4) is between 14.6 and 17 months. Glioma is difficult to cure and often recurs.

  After the tumor recurs, depending on the patient’s functional status, re-operation, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other treatments can be considered. It is worth noting that for patients with glioblastoma, the new radiotherapy and temozolomide chemotherapy regimen can make nearly 10 patients survive for more than 5 years; before the emergence of temozolomide, radiotherapy alone, only Patients less than 1% can survive for 5 years.

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