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Non-small cell carcinoma survival time

BY Ira Max 2020-07-25

  Everyone cherishes their lives, especially when they are sick, they always want to know how long they can live, and patients with cancer are more concerned about this issue. After all, cancer is a kind of life for people. There is a very threatening disease, so how long can you live with non-small cell lung cancer? Let''s find the answer in the article with me. lung cancer(5).jpg

  How long can non-small cell lung cancer live

   For how long non-small cell lung cancer can live, this question currently does not have an accurate deadline, because everyone The body physique is different, and the ability to produce secrets is also different. Some people with better physical fitness can completely change the survival period of small cell lung cancer, but if their physical condition is not good, they cannot improve the survival of small cell lung cancer. Expired.

  So, if we want to improve the survival of non-small cell lung cancer, we must start from enhancing physical fitness. In life, we should add more foods that enhance the body''s immunity and anti-cancer cells.

   There are some foods that enhance the body’s immunity and anti-cancer cells such as jujube, yam, walnuts, almonds, radish, etc., which can reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The degree of tumor remission depends on the degree of symptom relief and related toxicity.

   In nursing, pay close attention to observation and give corresponding treatment in time. For patients with bone metastasis, attention should be paid to strengthen the protection of their limbs. If abdominal metastasis causes intestinal obstruction, attention should be paid to observe whether the patient has symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain and timely feedback, so that the doctor can make more rapid Remedy.

  To improve the survival of small cell lung cancer, the first thing we need to do is dietary care. We should decide what to eat according to our own actual condition, and then choose a reasonable diet.

   For patients who have just completed the operation, they should pay attention to selecting some nutrients that are easy to digest and absorb to supplement the body nutrition, so as not to cause gastrointestinal burden; patients who have undergone neck surgery also need to pay attention to giving half Dry liquid diet to avoid choking; patients who have undergone radiochemotherapy should pay attention to choose some dietary regimens to adjust the body to reduce side effects.

   There are many types of food, including cold food and hot food. Some foods can even induce cancer, which may aggravate the disease after eating; while some foods can inhibit the production of cancer cells, and will help the recovery of the disease after eating. For example, in vegetables and fruits, radishes, garlic, soybeans, etc., are more common anti-cancer foods. Patients can choose to eat more of these foods.

  In addition to eating more foods that can alleviate the disease, patients should also stay away from and ban foods that may aggravate the disease, such as barbecue foods, spicy irritating foods Wait, these may lead to relapse. There are also patients with the disease who must pay attention to prohibit smoking.

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